Ordering Flowers

Wire Orders VS Flower Shops

Choose a good Florist-

  • Refrain from ordering flowers online, unless it is with a direct florist. Why? Wire companies send flowers to local florists to fill the order for them. This causes them to be the middle man, So you are paying the wire company 10-15% to handle paper work, and then you are paying the florists labor and  10 -15% profit so the consumer ends up getting half the flowers bargained for. So cut out the middle man and get bigger, fresher arrangements for your dollar.
  • Start by researching online florists in the area of where you are sending flowers to. I.E. if Im sending flowers to my mom that lives in Arkansas I can google search Florists in Flipping, Arkansas and some shops will pop up. I can choose one and order online if it is an option or I can  call the shop and place the order over the phone with the shop. This way insures that if you are buying $35.00 in flowers you are getting $35.00 in flowers and not paying extra fees. also the florist know what they have in stock at the time to help the customer get the freshest flowers possible.

As a professional in the floral industry order from shops like these to get more flowers for your dollar-